Body Worn Camera, Police Camera, Body-worn Camera DMT10

Pondok Description:

Short Description: Best low light performance built with Ambarella chipsets,sized,light weighed, simple operation. The electric network,railway maintenance workers ware the body worn camera to make sure following the “check list” to do their job. The traffic police , hospital security ,super market security ware the body worn camera DMT10+ to record an evidence in case there are conflicts but lack of envidence. Product Tags: Non screen wearable camera,Data secured body worn camer...

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Pondok Description:
Don't need Ambarella Driver. Don't need to disable digital signature in all windows systems.
Sampurna USB API Pikeun integrasi, ngarojong USB Paréntah boh USB basajan modeu & USB massa gudang modeu

Tags produk:
No Screen | Data Protection | WiFi | Big Button | 10 Hours Recording | Patent Number: 201530375334.2 | 201521010051.9 |  201521010174.2

Tinjauan :
File Énkripsi & nyah; Control LED paripolah; Control bip Ring Frékuénsi; Pra Rékam Jempe; siluman Mode
file méré tag; IR Sensivity; USB keteg jajantung pikeun kaamanan; Kamera kaluar; Kamera reboot; Cokot Mac Alamat & Cokot barkod
Cokot Real Time Batre Level; Ganti ngaran Wi- SSID Fi; Pindah antara ngecas gancang & ngecas normal; Rojongan Pamaduan kana platform Linux Ubuntu



parameter lengkep:

Chipset Ambarella A7
sensor CMOS 4MP OV4689
lensa 140-gelar Wide Angle
layar Taya layar
panyimpenan Diwangun-di 32G / 64G
batre Diwangun-di 3200mAH Litium-Polimér batre
beurat 125 g
ukuran 77 * 56 * 22 mm (H * W D *)
IP Peunteun IP65
Wifi Diwangun-di
Infrabeureum LED Nepi ka 15 Méter ngagawekeun Range
IR Otomatis nuhun
Leupaskeun-di darmaga nuhun
aplikasi Cocog sareng ios sarta Andriod
panganteur Taya USB Port di kamera, Unggah data via darmaga
Kamera éksternal Aya
Suhu bisa dipake -40 ~ + 60 darajat Celsius
Suhu gudang -20 ~ + 55 darajat Celsius
asesoris baku
USB Cable, Wall carjer, Universal Metal Vidéo, 1x Tempatkeun-di Ngecas dok, Software CD
meunang milih
Diwangun-di GPS, kaluar kaméra, nyeuseup-cangkir bracket, Epaulette Vidéo
Format video .MP4 (skéma Format: H.264)
Resolusi video 2560x1080p @ 30fps; 2304x1296p @ 30fps; 1920x1080p @ 30fps;
1280x720@30fps; @60fps     848x480@30fps @60fps
Protection data Dieusian Software and Sandi diperlukeun pikeun pariksa data dina kaméra
Pra-rékaman 5 ~ 30 Seconds
Pos-rékaman 10/30/60 Seconds
watermark Pamaké ID (6-angka Alat ID na 6-angka pamaké ID), DateTime Perangko
snap Shot Capture Gambar Sedengkeun Video Rekaman
batré kinerja
Contineously Rekaman Time
(Single Batre)
9 jam 480P @ 30fps; 8 jam di 720p @ 30fps; 
7 jam 1080p @ 30fps; 
Low Perhatosan batre bip Siaga
ngecas Time 4 jam

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