Body Worn Camera Docking Station DMT8C

Pondok Description:

Short Description: Police camera docking station is the latest charging and data uploading device, which can connect up to 8/10 cameras via USB3.0 port. Product Tags: Maximum Quantity of Supported Units: 8PCS | 10PCS Features: - All-metal structure, it is durable and tough; - Fully compatible with USB2.0 and USB3.0 device, and support hot-swappable; - With dual protection for output, it can protect your connected device from overcharging. Each port provides up  to 2.0A current; - Charge 8 ...

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Pondok Description:
Pulisi kaméra docking stasiun teh alat ngecas na data Ngunggah panganyarna, anu bisa nyambung nepi ka 8/10 kaméra via port USB3.0.

Tags produk:
Maximum Quantity of Supported Units: 8PCS | 10PCS

fitur :
- Sakabéh-logam struktur, éta awét sarta tangguh;
- sapinuhna cocog sareng USB2.0 tur alat USB3.0, sarta ngarojong panas-swappable;
- Kalayan panyalindungan dual pikeun kaluaran, éta bisa ngajaga alat Anjeun disambungkeun ti overcharging. Unggal port nyadiakeun nepi ka 2.0A ayeuna;
- Cas 8 kaméra dina waktos anu sareng;
- 4 hampang sangkan eta stabil;
- Di / Pareum switch nu bisa ngadalikeun sakabéh catu daya pikeun 8 docks misah;
- Compatible with Win7/8/10 | Window Vista | Windows XP Professional | Home Edition Window98 | ME | 2000 Professional.

Spesifikasina utama:

nami Awak pulisi Station Kamera Docking
fungsi Multi unit Ngunggah data tur ngecas
Kuantitas maksimum Unit dirojong 8/10 PCS
Unggal port nyadiakeun tegangan a 5V
Unggal port nyadiakeun ayeuna maksimum 2.0A, adaptif nurutkeun alat nu disambungkeun
Maksimum input Daya 80W
dimensi 37x19x13cm
Beurat bersih 2.4KG

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